Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Positive change through personal goals

Welcome back ladies!

I have been thinking as I watch the Biggest Loser that it's time for a change for me and maybe for you.  As I thought about a Biggest Loser challange, I thought how the contestants on the show change fast in 3 months.

Want to have a Biggest Loser challenge with me?

Anyone can join. We can earn points for exercising, healthy eating, staying positive. It doesn't just need to be about losing weight. Lets help one another. Who's in?

Before we begin, we need to have some goals. Pray and ask God for inspiration to set your goals. Once you have set your goals, pray every morning for help to achieve them. Set reasonable goals. They should be something that pushes you, but that you can also see yourself achieving. Along the same lines, don't have too many goals at once. Even two or three can sometimes cause you to lose focus. Also, the goals should be measurable. State the goal in a way that you know if you have achieved it or not.

Here are some examples of personal goals:
  • Start a food journal. Ok, I hated this one at first, but it was amazing how much I was eating off the kids plates or eating the last few brownies just to get the plate put away.
  • Begin to exercise for 30 min. I don't mean hardcore exercising like Jillian Michaels that you have to psych yourself for.  Start light. Walking for 30 minutes, yoga, whatever. Just start!
  • Drink water when you crave something! I am still working on this!
  • Get enough sleep. You may laugh. Try to know what your body needs and do what works for you. I go to bed at 10:00-10:30.  I know it's lame, but it works for me.
Remember, the point is to make a change that has a positive influence.

I can't wait to start with your help. Let's start on May 6th so that we have time to seriously think about and set our goals. Please comment and share the goals you are comfortable sharing. We can all support each other, and maybe we can come up with some kind of prize we can receive for completing our goal. Extra motivation definitely helps, so please share your ideas!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Let the journey begin!

Hello ladies!

I am starting a blog for women who are trying to live life, but who are feeling like we are just getting by. I actually have been feeling like starting this blog for over a year. It's time to begin!

Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself. I am a wife and a mother of 2 children (my daughter will soon be five, and my son is two). I live in the Pacific Northwest, near Seattle, and I grew up in Texas, so you can see where I got the idea for the blog URL and title. I studied Therapeutic Recreation at BYU-Idaho, where I also met my wonderful husband. I am a Christian, which is an integral part of who I am.

I am a survivor (I'll go into more detail soon).

I am going to try to change and improve my life and maybe touch one of yours. We are all women and many are mothers, perhaps even some who do not have children of your own. It is a calling to be a mother. We are blessed with special gifts from God, as was Mary the mother of Jesus. She had to have the Spirit with her to be able to teach the Child who He was. Similarly, we have been entrusted to care for some of God's children. What a true calling this is. I am grateful for the confidence the Lord has in us.

Hopefully, this blog will strengthen our testimonies of being a woman and a mother. I want to be able to put our priorities in order, with the Lord first, followed by spouse and family. What else could be more important? My hope is that we can become empowered, learn new talents, and come to find enjoyment in life. Let's not keep "just getting by"!

Although this will mostly be like a journal where I share experiences that have impacted my life and hopefully touch yours, I will also share date ideas, quotes, family traditions, and other fun and interesting things I come across. Please comment and let me know if there is anything you would like to see.

May we all see the tender mercies of the Lord in our lives daily. Let's make this a spiritual, fun and inspriring journey. It's time to "Saddle Up for the Ride of Life!"